Waste as a class issue
“Waste is such a fascinating issue because you deal with issues that apparently, they are technical, but there’s a lot of class issues that comes with it.” Learn more from Brazilian garbologist
Sonia Dias in episode 3 of the podcast.
Sonia Dias in episode 3 of the podcast.
Can you hear the earthworms?
New episode on plastic in soils. Check it out!
Nanoplastic in the Ocean
Alexandra ter Halle led the first study that detected nanoplastic in the open ocean. Take a lab tour with her in episode 2.
Inhabitants of the Plastisphere
Linda Amaral Zettler and her colleagues found something quite amazing: The plastic in the ocean is teeming with life – a microbial world she calls the „plastisphere”. Some of these microbes even seem to be munching plastic – or are they? Meet her in episode 1
Like an Exoplanet
Plastic in the ocean is a bit like an exoplanet, Erik Zettler of the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research says. It’s a new environment, and we know very little about it. What kind of ecosystems will develop on these new tiny plastic planets, and how will that change things? From episode 1 of the podcast.
The Coral Polyp
Kamilo Beach
Marine biologist Megan Lamson of the Hawaii Wildlife Fund on Kamilo Beach in episode 1