Author: Anja Krieger

  • How (Not) to Make a Plastics Treaty

    This year, 2024, is the crucial year for the plastics treaty negotiations. If you haven’t heard about them, the United Nations are working on an international, legally binding agreement to end plastic pollution. It’s been called the most important environmental deal since the Paris climate accord. Many countries want it to be an ambitious agreement…

  • #PlasticsTreaty Playlist

    This is the playlist for all following the negotiations towards a global plastics treaty. It contains a series of conversations, features and shorts. The #PlasticsTreaty shorts bring you short, snackable input while the negotiations are ongoing. This is an interactive format – you can contribute too (more info here).

  • Plastic Mythbusters Quiz: Faktencheck zu Plastik in der Umwelt

    Zum Plastik in der Umwelt finden sich in den Medien eine Menge verschiedener Angaben, doch viele davon sind nicht wirklich fundiert. Wir haben acht häufige Behauptungen einem Faktencheck unterzogen und in ein Quiz verwandelt. Probiert es aus! Das englischsprachige Web-Quiz Plastic Mythbusters eröffnet einen spielerischen Zugang: Mit dem Tool können Besucher*innen ihr Plastikwissen testen. Welche…

  • Plastic Mythbusters

    There are a lot of different claims about plastic in the environment in the media, but many of them are not really substantiated. We have fact-checked eight common claims and turned them into a quiz. Try it out! With the Plastic Mythbusters web quiz, visitors can test their plastic knowledge. Which statements circulating virally in…

  • Is it true that bioplastics are a sustainable alternative to plastics since they degrade quickly in nature?

    This claim is certainly false. Some of these so-called “bioplastics” are biobased (made from renewable resources) but not actually biodegradable. Other materials known as “bioplastics” are biodegradable but require very specific conditions to disappear quickly – conditions that are not often found in nature. If biodegradable plastics end up in the wrong place, then they…

  • Is it true that we consume up to a credit card’s worth of plastic every week?

    This claim is certainly false. It misrepresents the state of scientific research. While it’s true that plastics have been found in the human body and that microplastics can be ingested or inhaled, the average quantity of plastic which enters the human body is unclear. Scientific estimates still differ widely, but there is no doubt that…

  • Is it true that most plastic waste is recycled, so using a lot of plastic is not a problem?

    This claim is certainly false, and very far from reality. Only a small percentage of plastic waste is recycled and turned into material for new products. The majority of plastic waste is landfilled, incinerated (burnt), or ends up in the environment. This is one of the reasons why the current level of plastics consumption is…

  • Is it true that there’s a solid island of plastic in the ocean, visible from space?

    This claim is certainly false. There are no “plastic islands” in the ocean which are the size of continents or even countries. While there’s no doubt that plastic pollutes the oceans – just as it does rivers, lakes, the soil, and the air – plastic on the ocean’s surface is not concentrated enough to form…

  • Is it true that 80 percent of the plastic in the oceans comes from land, and 20 percent from the sea?

    This claim is uncertain. We could find no credible scientific source to back it up. The percentage of land- and sea-based plastic inputs into the ocean has not yet been calculated on a global level and therefore remains unknown. Scientific studies show that the ratio of land- versus ocean-based plastics can differ widely depending on…

  • Is it true that 90 percent of the plastic in the oceans comes from 10 rivers in Asia and Africa?

    You may read this claim frequently, but it is probably false. Such claims misquote the results of research published in 2017. In that study, scientists estimated how much plastic enters the sea from rivers around the world. Ten of these river systems carried most of the plastic, but plastic also reaches the sea in other…

  • Is it true that microplastics are present in drinking water?

    This is true – microplastics have indeed been identified in drinking water. But knowledge of the scope and the impacts on human health is scarce. More research is needed to fully understand both the occurrence of micro- and nanoplastics in drinking water and their impacts on human health.

  • Is it true that by 2050 there could be more plastic than fish in the ocean?

    This claim is highly speculative, and probably false. We do not know how much plastic is currently in the ocean, and there is no scientific estimate of how much plastic will be in the ocean by 2050. It is also unclear how many fish will inhabit the ocean by 2050.

  • SCHIRN Podcast: Plastik von Pop bis Politik

    Im SCHIRN PODCAST zur Ausstel­lung PLAS­TIC WORLD tauchen wir in die Welt der Kunst­stoffe ein – eine Welt voller unglaub­li­cher Möglich­kei­ten, aber auch proble­ma­ti­scher Neben­wir­kun­gen. In den drei Folgen spreche ich mit Plas­tik­ex­pert*innen aus verschie­de­nen Diszi­pli­nen, darun­ter Kura­to­rin Martina Wein­hart, Boden­öko­loge Matthias Rillig, Tief­see­öko­lo­gin Mela­nie Berg­mann, Biologe Martin Wagner und Poli­tik­wis­sen­schaft­ler Per-Olof Busch. Hörer*innen erhal­ten…

  • Plastic World – a SCHIRN Podcast mini-series

    We dove into the PLASTIC WORLD – a world full of incredible possibilities, but also problematic side effects. Meet plastics experts from various disciplines in this three-part series in German language on the SCHIRN podcast, including art exhibition curator Martina Weinhart, soil ecologist Matthias Rillig, deep-sea ecologist Melanie Bergmann, eco toxicologist Martin Wagner and political…

  • The Understory: Excerpts from Life in the Soil on the BBC

    Great to see our audio podcast mini-series »Life in the Soil« continues to be useful! It was a joy to make in collaboration with the awesome people at the Rillig lab at Freie Universität Berlin. The BBC just featured some of our audio interviews in their new four-part series on soil biodiversity, »The Understory: Life…

  • 50 Jahre Forschung zu Plastik im Meer

    Plastikkügelchen in den Fischmägen, Kunststoffabfälle im Meer: Das ist seit Jahrzehnten bekannt. Warum hat es so lange gedauert, bis das Problem von Politik und Öffentlichkeit ernst genommen wurde? Für dieses Radiofeature – eine gekürzte deutsche Fassung der einstündigen Folge des englischsprachigen Podcasts “Plastisphere” – habe ich mich über ein Jahr lang auf die Suche nach…

  • Serie über planetare Grenzen

    Das Konzept der planetaren Belastungsgrenzen definiert neun Dimensionen, die für die Gesundheit und Überlebensfähigkeit unserer menschlichen Zivilisation entscheidend sind. Einige dieser Grenzen haben wir bereits überschritten. Wie kommen wir zurück in den sicheren Bereich? Eine neunteilige Artikel-Serie der Helmholtz-Klima-Initiative zum Erdüberlastungstag 2022, in Zusammenarbeit mit Thomas Krautwig und Forschenden der Helmholtz-Zentren. Zur Hauptseite der Serie>

  • Letters on the Plastics Treaty

    Ahead of the negotiations for a new global Plastics Treaty, I teamed up with group of scientists and co-authored two letters published in the journal Science calling for a cap on production and the full inclusion of chemicals. You can find our letters here (production cap) and here (chemicals). I also co-authored a letter to the…

  • Voice-Over: Gender Podcast

    So honored to speak the voice-over for Alba Rueda, Undersecretary for Diversity Policy at the Ministry of Women’s Affairs in Argentina, in this podcast by the Heinrich Böll Foundation, produced by Kevin Caners: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung · The Binary Narrative – Why is it so prevalent? (1/3) | Our Voices, Our Choices

  • Factsheet

    Zwei Seiten. Zum Download bei der Helmholtz-Klima-Initiative>

  • Curbing plastic pollution will take more than voluntary, optional, or market-led solutions.

    Read our opinion essay at Environmental Health News

  • Jetzt auch bei den Wisspods

    Ihr findet Plastisphere jetzt auch bei, dem Verzeichnis von Shows zu Forschung und Wissen aus Deutschland. Zum Stöbern hier entlang >

  • Voice-Over: KI und Wir

    Radioproduzent Thomas Reintjes, der ganz wunderbare Features und Serien macht, hat für die Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung den zehnteiligen Podcast “KI und Wir” über künstliche Intelligenz produziert. Mit dabei ist auch Milica Gašić, Professorin für Dialog Systems and Machine Learning an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, für die ich die deutsche Übersetzung eingesprochen habe.

  • Book Review: Coming to Grips With the Plastic Crisis

    In “Thicker Than Water,” journalist Erica Cirino probes the history of plastic pollution, along with possible solutions. Read my review >

  • Voice-Over: Seegraswiesen

    Für die Helmholtz-Klima-Initiative, wo ich seit August als Wissenschaftsredakteurin arbeite, durfte ich Forscherin Angela Stevenson, die das Klimapotenzial von Seegraswiesen erforscht, meine Stimme leihen: Video von Klaus Russell-Wells / Joul

  • Bedrohen Kunststoffe die Vielfalt des Lebens?

    Seit Jahrzehnten verheddern sich Tiere im menschlichen Müll oder verschlucken ihn. Dabei ist buntes Plastik im Ozean nur der sichtbarste Teil der Probleme für die Biodiversität. Mein Artikel bei RiffReporter

  • Plastik im Trinkwasser?

    Auch im Trinkwasser wurde schon Mikroplastik gefunden. Ist das ein Risiko für die menschliche Gesundheit? Für die RiffReporter habe ich bei Expertïnnen nachgefragt und die beruhigende Antwort bekommen, dass man sich um Plastikpartikel im Trinkwasser wenig Sorgen machen muss – auch wenn es noch ein paar offene Fragen gibt. (Tl;dr)

  • Plastisphere Podcast

    Follow me on a journey into the world of synthetic polymers, their impacts on nature and ourselves, and the global quest to tackle plastic pollution. Listen here:

  • Talk at the #microplastinar webinar series

    Talk at the #microplastinar webinar series

    How reliable are infographics and the figures and facts we find online? What are the current dynamics of the media landscape? And how could they become more sustainable? These are some of the questions I covered in a talk on plastics in the media for the Limnoplast plastic webinar series. I highly recommend to check…

  • Podcast on Soil Ecology

    Our podcast Life in the Soil brings you the insights and voices of some of the world’s best soil scientists. Learn about soil biodiversity, why it matters, and how we can protect it. The series is a collaboration with the Rillig Lab, funded through the BiodivERsA project Digging Deeper. RilligLab · Life in the Soil Podcast

  • Die Geschichte der Wissenschaft zu Plastik im Meer

    Eine Zeitreise, 50 Jahre in die Vergangenheit, zu den Anfängen des Plastikmüllproblems – entstanden mit Unterstützung des Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte und zu hören im Deutschlandfunk Kultur und auf Englisch bei RiffReporter.

  • Plastisphere Ep.10: Chatting about Individual Impact

    Subscribe to feed When it comes to solving the issue of plastic pollution, who would you say is responsible? Is it individuals like you and me, is it the corporations that produce plastics or products made from it, or is it the government with its rules and regulations?

  • Plastisphere Ep.9: The Discovery of Plastic Pollution

    Plastic pollution seems to be a pretty new issue, right? In the past few years, the topic has been all over the media. But if you explore the history of science, it turns out that the problem really isn’t all that new.

  • Ein fast unbekanntes Flugobjekt

    Plastik schwimmt nicht nur im Wasser und verschmutzt Flüsse, Böden und Ozeane. Erste Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass es auch fliegen kann. Was wissen wir über Mikroplastik in der Luft? Drohen Folgen für die Gesundheit – und kann man sich schützen? Für Deutschlandfunk Kultur, NDR und RiffReporter

  • Plastisphere Ep 8: Plastics in the Time of the Coronavirus

    Subscribe to feed For this episode, Anja tried something new: She asked listeners, researchers and podcasters to send her audio comments on what is happening now during the coronavirus pandemic. In this episode, you’ll hear some of the messages that arrived in her inbox the past weeks.

  • Plastisphere im Deutschlandfunk

    Mit dem Deutschlandfunk Kultur produziere ich einige Folgen auf Deutsch nach. Hier kann man die Sendungen für kurze Zeit nachhören oder im Archiv lesen: Was macht Kunststoffmüll mit den Böden? Plastik gelangt nicht nur ins Wasser, sondern auch in Böden. Was das bedeutet, wird erst seit kurzem erforscht. Im Labor scheinen kleinste Kunststoffpartikel einigen Pflanzen…

  • Plastik im Schnee

    Beitrag in Deutschlandfunk “Forschung aktuell” hören:

  • Are bioplastics a greener alternative to conventional plastics?

    Confusion about terms such as bioplastics, bio-based, and biodegradable plastics makes it hard to identify — and make — the environmentally responsible choice. Article on Ensia, republished by Undark Magazine, The Revelator, The Wire, and others.

  • Plastisphere Ep.7: Confused about Bioplastics?

    What happens if bioplastics end up in the environment? In this episode, Anja takes a closer look at synthetic polymers marketed as more environmentally friendly. Can they contribute to a healthier planet, and in what way?

  • Plastisphere Ep.6: Traces in the Soil

    Subscribe to feed Plastic pollution also affects the soil, the thin layer of ground that feeds all of us. For a long time, this terrestrial plastic has been overlooked. Now scientists are starting to investigate the extent and impacts of plastic pollution in the soil and in the ground. What do we know about them?

  • Kommt nicht in die Tüte!

    Nathalie Mayroth war im indischen Bundesstaat Maharashtra, in dem auch die 20-Millionen-Stadt Mumbai liegt. Seit einem Jahr ist dort Einwegplastik verboten. Wie gut wird das jetzt durchgesetzt? Darum geht es in dieser eindrücklichen Reportage. Mehr lesen bei piqd

  • Klima-Folge des Plastisphere Podcast im Deutschlandfunk

    Mit Deutschlandfunk Kultur habe ich eine deutsche Fassung der Plastik-Klima-Folge des Plastisphere Podcast produziert. Nachlesen Deutschlandfunk Kultur | Zeitfragen | 07.02.2019 | 19:30 | 30 Minuten

  • Wie das Ocean-Cleanup-Projekt ein komplett unbekanntes Ökosystem in Gefahr bringt

    Das Projekt “The Ocean Cleanup” des jungen Niederländers Boyan Slat hat ebenso leidenschaftliche Unterstützer wie Kritiker. Zu letzteren gehört die Biologin Rebecca Helm, die in The Atlantic von einem faszinierenden Ökosystem berichtet, von dem ich zuvor noch nie gehört hatte: Lebende Inseln, die über die Meere treiben, für die die Müllbarrieren des Ocean Cleanup eine…

  • Storytelling in der Wissenschaft

    Deutschlandfunk Kultur | Zeitfragen | 3.1.2018 | 19:07 | 8 Minuten

  • Plastisphere Ep.5: Message from Midway

    Subscribe to feed Chris Jordan has taken some of the most iconic pictures to shape our image of plastic pollution. He traveled to Midway Island on his quest to photograph the evasive “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”, which is really a soup of microplastics. There, he documented albatross chicks who had died with their guts full…

  • Plastisphere Ep.4: Plastic vs. the Climate?

    Subscribe to feed Plastic pollution might be the most visible environmental issue we face today. But there are other kinds of pollution, and they are far harder to see. One of the most dangerous is the huge amount of greenhouse gases that we emit into the atmosphere. In this episode, Anja explores the connections between…

  • Folgen des Hitzesommers: Bäume auf Diät

    Beitrag lesen Deutschlandfunk | Wissenschaft im Brennpunkt | 02.12.2018

  • Klimafaktor Plastik?

    Plastik produziert auch Treibhausgase wie Methan und Ethylen, im Wasser und noch mehr an der Luft. Wie relevant ist das fürs Klima? Beitrag lesen Deutschlandfunk | Forschung aktuell | 31.10.2018 | 16:41 | 5 Min.

  • Woher kommt Mikroplastik?

    Deutschlandfunk Kultur | Kakadu | 23.10.2018 | 1:30 Min

  • Plastisphere Ep.3: Waste Picker Economies

    Subscribe to feed Anja calls up Dr. Jenna Jambeck and Amy Brooks from the University of Georgia on a research trip in Vietnam. In many Asian countries, a booming economy is coupled with more people using throw-away items. Informal recyclers and waste pickers who have traditionally sorted the waste cannot keep up. But, like millions…